Our annual pilgrimage to NYC is upon us. Like last year, we traveled from San Diego to New York City during Veterans Day weekend to see as many shows as possible and then add another one for giggles.
Five East Coast States Over Labor Day Weekend
We set out to explore Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York on our first road trip outside of California with Ripley. This region was uncharted territory for both Grant and me, and I was eager to hit the road. Grant had been wanting to visit Atlantic City (the Las Vegas of the East) for a while, so after some persuasion, he agreed to a sightseeing road trip as long as we included Atlantic City in our itinerary. We planned the trip over Labor Day to take advantage of the extra day off work. My mom was in town and joined us, providing extra help with our unruly 5-month-old.
Holly’s 40th Birthday Party
Getting a large group of friends together is always a challenge. Getting everyone to get along is nearly impossible. Holly pulled off the impossible by not only getting everyone to get along but also having a swell time. This trip found us going to Nashville with friends we had met before and some new friends we were excited to meet.
Father’s Day in Mazatlán
Well, it has been a minute since we have traveled anywhere interesting. Something about a baby. Since it was Father’s Day—we decided to start the annual tradition of traveling with Ripley somewhere international. I am unsure if Ripley is fully aware that he has committed to this forever and ever, but as I write this and memorialize it officially in this blog—it is happening!
38 in Las Vegas
December was the month of colds. We did travel to Houston, San Antonio, and Seattle for Christmas, but there wasn’t enough to talk about. Beginning in January— it’s all about Grant’s birthday. The weekend of January 5th-7th which has been discussed for months — finally arrived. Grant painstakingly crafts his birthday to fit as much craziness in as possible and for everyone to maximize the time they are with each other.
How Many Shows Can We Fit In?
If we do Friday at 7 pm then we can fit in the 11 pm show, but we shouldn’t do that because the 11 pm show is offered on Saturday at 3 pm, and then we can do the 8 pm other show, but we have to check to see if it’s close to the theater and tickets aren’t crazy expensive. These logistical nightmares were our daily reality for the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday trip that Grant, Emily, and I took to New York City to see shows on Broadway. With none of us have been to NYC in a few years, it being a Holiday weekend (Veterans Day) and the baby still cooking— why not?
Exploring the Golden Triangle of India – Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur
There is a map of the world that floats around in our house (currently in my office) that has pushpins of the places that I have been. One day, I hope to have a pushpin in each of the countries listed. To get one step closer to that goal—I found an area of the map that was barren…South Asia…and decided I wanted to go there. Simple as that. On a whim, I found a flight leaving Los Angeles that took me to Delhi, India and I booked it. These are my favorite trips because I have no idea what I am getting myself into until I am there. Life is far more interesting and enjoyable when you do things outside of your comfort zone.
Getting the Bad Out of the Way for Only Good in Colombia
This trip started with a bang. A literal one, unfortunately. We were leaving the house for LAX when a driver (either on his phone or not paying attention; or both) rear-ended us in the Mini Cooper Countryman. Not an ideal way to start a trip, but we got the bad out of the way early. The car is still drive-able, we filed a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance and should get the repairs sorted out this week.
Free in Austin
With things costing more and more, if you ever need a break— go to Austin. Not because the cost of living is more affordable than in California, but because everything is free. Going to a city and not having to spend any money will elevate that city’s rating in your mind.
Scratching Off Yellowstone from the Bucket-List
At the end of the trip, Grant sang the TLC hit song Waterfalls to me but rewrote the song. And it couldn’t be more fitting.
(It’ll make sense later)
“Don’t go chasing Buffalo,
Please stick to the bison and the bears that you’re used too…
I know that your gonna wanna rely solely on the backup cam, but I wish you would turn your neck…”
Rusty Canadian Business Referrals
Rust is an iron oxide formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen in the presence of water. It also is formed when you haven’t traveled in a bit and are a bit slow on the pick-up.
Celebrating US Presidents with the Royals in Copenhagen and Malmö
Pop Quiz. Do you know where Copenhagen is? No prize, but pride awarded to those that do!
Truthfully, I had to look at a map to figure out where this place was located. I had a vague idea that it was somewhere in Europe, but got it confused with Belgium. For those that don’t know— you’re not alone clearly— it’s located right south of Sweden and north of Germany.
Did You Know that Green Chilies Are High in Fiber? We do now!
Wherever we go, Grant brings his stash of individually wrapped prunes to stay regular. On this trip…the prunes did not leave his bag as they were not necessary. We found out that green chilies are loaded with dietary fiber that helps in colon cleansing and keeping your bowel movements healthy. Fiber is vital for bulking up waste and raising its movement out of the system, preventing constipation. I share this because this may solve your mystery of bowel movement frequency that we experienced in New Mexico.
Someone Needs to Be Sober Enough to Drink... Grant's 37th Birthday Bash!
The end of 2022 may have just rung in, but the start of 2023 (and any year for that matters) really kicks off with Grant’s Birthday ExtravaGRANTza or ExtravaGAYza…it changes depending upon the activity we are doing. This year’s festivities were being housed in Dallas, Texas, which allowed some new faces to join us! Big thank you right off the bat to Wendy and Latisha for planning, prepping, keeping Grant grounded, and overall making this weekend a huge success!
Storytelling is Just A History Lesson in Ireland
Ireland is a place where everyone seems to have the gift of gab. Some of the most distinguished and influential writers graced the streets of Dublin, but not every story deserves to be told. An innocuous event such as a man getting up out of bed and putting on his shoes can be turned into the most long-winded story or worse yet a song. Everywhere and everyone was a story for someone in Ireland. And in my short time there… I heard a lot of stories. It is only fair I share my story.
Exploring Our Northern Brother Before Starting a New Job
Oh, Canada! I know you are mocked all the time with South Park. I know your Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau. I love Canadian Bacon. You are big on maple syrup. You seem cold. And…that’s about it. I am sure if I really put my head to it that I can think of more trivial facts about Canada, but that's about all I knew. That is saying something considering both Grant and I have traveled to Vancouver, British Colombia. From that trip, I remember a draw bridge in the forest that freaked Emily out, driving like crazy to get to the Butchart Gardens, and nearly running over a homeless drug addict on a road that seemed longer than Downtown LA’s Skid Row. Needless to say— we needed to explore more of our Northern Neighbor.
The Difference in Caring at Halloween
Halloween is our favorite holiday, and yet, again we have canceled our Halloween party. Covid seems to have killed it officially, yet, we may pick it back up one of these years. We have so many decorations just collecting dust in the “dungeon” yet I don’t care enough to put them out. Grant put out a few so he does care more than I do. I think when we move to our forever home, we are going to be looking closely at the neighborhood to see if it cares about Halloween and Christmas decorations or not. Half the battle is moving from apathy to caring and I just haven’t found the enthusiasm I once had.
Even in Spanish Love Means Love…Wait Does It?
As I reflect on our epic excursion for Wendy and Dylan’s wedding in Cuernavaca, Mexico — I thought wow… “love” is universal in both languages. Then it dawned on me. No, in Spanish the word for love is not love, but amor. What? The ability to speak a different language is something that has alluded me, but fascinates me as well. As I did not know a lot of Spanish; I knew even less about a traditional Mexican wedding. What I learned… I need a lot more practice to hang!
It’s Pronounced Boise not Boi’C
The cities in the Pacific Northwest region have names that I just cannot say unless I pay attention. Coir D’Alene, Missoula, and Kalispell do not just roll off the tongue. To make it even more complicated according to Erica, the locals say “Boi’C not Boise.” Truthfully, I just made up names for all these places and everyone just went along with it.
It’s 104 Degrees... Can We Cancel the Fire Show?
With Florida, you go and you never know what you are going to experience. Each time we visit something new and unexpected happens. Last year, we got bad news about our surrogacy. On this trip, we were too hot to care about anything else happening.