It has become a new tradition for Giang and I to run in the Pride 5K. This year, Ripley tagged along and I pushed him in the stroller. It was great having him when we went downhill, but uphill was torture! We finished in under 35 miniutes so we will count that as a win!
First Trip to Texas Was a Success
Ripley’s first trip coincided with our annual trip to Schlitterbahn. Grant’s family was kind enough to meet up with us and also watch him, while we went on our favorite water rides. He also got to meet his cousin, Vivi, for the first time!
Loving the Lights of Las Vegas
Ripley visited Las Vegas for Emily’s Birthday. It was 120 degrees outside and we all melted. He had fun looking at the lights and watching the Foutains of Bellagio for the hotel room at the Jockey Club! He did suggest that we fly next time as compared to drive because it took to long!
Tijuana to Mazatlan: Baby's First International Flight
Ripley love the water. His first international trip had him going to Mazatlan, Mexico. We stayed at a fun 5-start resort and ventured out to see the sites. Here are photos of our trip.
First Flight with Ripley
In mid-May— Ripley took his first flight to visit San Francisco. We had no idea what to expect, but he was relatively good! We didn’t get any awful looks on the plane ride, so that we will take that as a win!
The flight and trip are a blur at this point, but I wanted to post some of the trip photos. We did not do all that much, but what we did do, we had fun!
His first flight ever was from San Diego to Oakland on Spirit Airlines. He was about 9 weeks old when we took this flight, so we needed to start flying with him as he was already behind. To make our life easier, I upgraded all of us to the Big Front seats just to make sure if he was horrible we could quickly escape the plane!
Idyllwild, a Dog, and a 1 Month Old....
Ripley has been everywhere already. He has been to multiple restaurants (daily), an impromptu concert, a room escape, and two movies (Arthur the King and Monkey Man), but he has not left San Diego. With some upcoming travel planned, we needed to know if we packed the right equipment and what he was going to do away from home.